Town Hall

Beaufort Town Hall Main Entrance

Mission, Strategic Priorities, & Core Values

The Town of Beaufort aims to foster a scenic and welcoming coastal community that enhances the well-being and prosperity of our citizens, celebrates our diverse culture and heritage, and preserves our natural and historic resources.

Strategic Priorities



  • Provide for the essential service needs of our community by funding and maintaining resilient water, sewer, waste disposal, streets and stormwater systems.
  • Continuously evaluate and plan for future infrastructure needs.

Public Safety & Welfare

  • Maximize the responsiveness capabilities of our police and fire departments by ensuring they have the necessary personnel, training and equipment to fulfill their missions.
  • Enhance the safety of our neighborhoods through consistent community outreach focusing on education and prevention.
  • Monitor our roads, pedestrian areas, and public lands and assume a proactive approach to improving public safety.

Citizen Engagement

  • Through a citizen-centered approach to communications and recruitment, we aim to empower our diverse citizenry to participate in local government activities and decision making.
  • Foster a productive and civil discourse between citizens and the Town.
  • Maximize the functionality of committees, advisory boards, and other citizen-comprised groups through focused capacity building and dedicated staff support.

Parks, Recreation & Outdoors

  • Continue to champion outdoor recreation and scenic beauty as essential components of Beaufort’s healthy lifestyle and tourism economy by preserving and increasing peoples’ ability to connect with and enjoy our natural environment.
  • Encourage and promote environmental stewardship and preservation.
  • Increase the amount of recreational offerings and opportunities in our public spaces.

Economic Development

  • Increase our tax revenue base and improve citizen employment opportunities by encouraging private enterprise through retention, support of expansion, and recruitment.
  • Continue to embrace tourism as our primary economic driver and work to increase visitation by promoting Beaufort as a destination and working to maximize the visitor experience.

Sense of Place

  • Cultivate and protect our “Beaufort-ness,” the central element of Beaufort’s lifestyle and visitor appeal.
  • Uphold and improve Beaufort’s appearance and character through careful land-use planning and streetscaping that honors our historic and natural surroundings and preserves our small-Town ambiance.
  • Foster community stewardship and pride by supporting continued and new neighborhood development, preservation and revitalization efforts.
  • Nurture our community’s cultural fabric by advancing the appreciation of our diverse histories, new and old traditions, and the arts.

Core Values

Leadership At All Levels

We are an organization that encourages initiative and innovation, and strives for continuous improvement. We are committed to open and transparent communications, both internally and externally. We confront each decision with a solutions-driven approach based on thorough information gathering and openness to diverse ideas and opinions. We believe in leading by example.

Exemplary Service

As public service professionals, we believe it is our duty to provide responsive, friendly and efficient service to our citizens and visitors. We are dedicated to resolving conflicts, overcoming obstacles and removing barriers.

Employee Engagement

We believe in advancing an organizational culture rooted in mutual respect that values our employees’ well-being, growth, and development, and encourages their success. We view our employees as essential partners in pursuit of our organizational mission.

Fiscal Responsibility

As the financial stewards of the Town, we make well-informed, cost-effective and responsible financial decisions. When deliberating any expense or project, we identify and secure adequate funding resources, contemplate potential cost-saving measures, and consider the possible impact on future financial stability.

Strong Partnerships

We value our relationships with surrounding government entities, especially the neighboring Town of Morehead City and Carteret County as a whole, and believe in being a strong collaborative partner. We are committed to communicating openly and often, contributing to joint undertakings, and actively seeking out mutually beneficial opportunities. We also believe in entering into public, institutional, and nonprofit partnerships that positively impact our community.

The Value of Diversity

We regard diversity as an invaluable attribute of our community and our organization. We embrace diversity, as differences in experience, opinion and background are vital to our decision-making process.