Hurricane Preparedness/Flood Information

Below you will find everything you need to know about hurricanes and flooding, how to prepare, what to do during and after an event.

Emergency Notification Sign-up:

Sign up today to receive real time emergency alerts from the Town of Beaufort. Notifications by this system are distributed simultaneously through a variety of communication formats such as: email, text message/SMS and voice broadcast. These notifications will advise the recipients what the emergency or situation is, the appropriate actions to take, and provide ongoing updates as the situation progresses or is resolved.  Sign up Beaufort Emergency Alerts.

Medically Fragile:

If you know someone who may need assistance during an emergency, please make sure they are signed up for Carteret County's Medically Fragile Registry. It is a free and voluntary service that helps emergency responders better assist residents with special needs in the event of an emergency. 

Spanish Resources: